ECT 307

Control Systems


This course aims to develop the skills for mathematical modelling of various control systems and stability analysis using time domain and frequency domain approaches.


Signals & Systems

Stability of linear control systems, Stability of linear control systems: concept of BIBO stability, absolute stability, Routh‘s Hurwitz Criterion, Effect of P, PI & PID controllers, Root Locus Techniques, Introduction, properties and its construction, Application to system stability studies. Illustration of the effect of addition of a zero and a pole

Nyquist stability criterion, Fundamentals and analysis, Relative stability: gain margin and phase margin. Stability analysis with Bode plot, Design of Compensators: Need of compensators, design of lag and lead compensators using Bode plots

State Variable Analysis of Linear Dynamic Systems, State variables, state equations, State variable representation of electrical and mechanical systems, Dynamic equations, merits for higher order differential equations and solution, Transfer function from State Variable Representation, Solutions of the state equations, state transition matrix, Concept of controllability and observability and techniques to test them - Kalman’s Test, Simulation

PREVIOUS YEAR Question paper & scheme


Course Code: ECT 307


DECEMBER 2021 : Question paper & Scheme

Simulation Assignments

  1. Plot the pole-zero configuration in s-plane for the given transfer function.

  2. Determine the transfer function for given closed loop system in block diagram representation.

  3. Plot unit step response of given transfer function and find delay time, rise time, peak time and peak overshoot.

  4. Determine the time response of the given system subjected to any arbitrary input.

  5. Plot root locus of given transfer function, locate closed loop poles for different values of k.

  6. Plot bode plot of given transfer function and determine the relative stability by measuring gain and phase margins.

  7. Determine the steady state errors of a given transfer function.

  8. Plot Nyquist plot for given transfer function and determine the relative stability.

  9. Create the state space model of a linear continuous system.

  10. Determine the state space representation of the given transfer function.