Control systems

Module 3


Stability of linear control systems,

Stability of linear control systems: concept of BIBO stability, absolute stability, Routhโ€˜s Hurwitz Criterion, Effect of P, PI & PID controllers,

Root Locus Techniques,

Introduction, properties and its construction, Application to system stability studies. Illustration of the effect of addition of a zero and a pole

Video Lectures

Stability of control system | Relationship between poles and stability | CS - Module 3 | Lect 54

Topics covered

Stability of linear control system

Stability & location of poles on s-plane

Different definitions of stability

Bounded Input Bounded Output (BIBO) stability criteria | CS - Module 3 | Lect 55

Topics covered

derivation of Bounded Input Bounded Output (BIBO) stability criteria

Introduction to Routh Hurwitz Stability Criterion | CS - Module 3 | Lect 56

Topics covered

Introduction to Routh Hurwitz Stability Criterion

Routh Hurwitz Stability check - Problem 1 - Step by Step solution | CS - Module 3 | Lect 57

Topics covered

Routh Hurwitz Stability check - Problem 1 - Step by Step solution

Routh Hurwitz Stability check - Problem 2 - Step by Step solution | CS - Module 3 | Lect 58

Topics covered

Routh Hurwitz Stability check - Problem 2 - Step by Step solution

P, PI, PD & PID - Controllers in control system | CS - Module 3 | Lect 59

Topics covered

Introduction to controller, Proportional controller (P - Controllers), Proportional-plus-integral controller (PI - Controllers), Proportional-plus-derivative controller (PD - Controllers), Proportional-plus-derivative-integral controller (PID - Controllers)

Introduction & importance of Root Locus technique | CS - Module 3 | Lect 60

Topics covered

Introduction to root locus technique, Importance of root locus technique, Steps in Root locus techniques

Root Locus Problem 1 | Step by step explanation with MATLAB simulation | CS - Module 3 | Lect 61

Topics covered

Root Locus problem solution with step by step explanation in Malayalam, MATLAB simulation

Problem 1: Q1) A unity feedback control system has open-loop transfer function ๐บ(๐‘ )=๐พ/(๐‘ (๐‘ ^2+4๐‘ +13)) . Sketch the root locus

Root Locus Problem 2 | Step by step explanation with MATLAB simulation | CS - Module 3 | Lect 62

Topics covered

Root Locus problem solution with step by step explanation in Malayalam, MATLAB simulation

Problem 2: Q2) Sketch the root locus of the system whose open loop transfer function is ๐บ(๐‘ )=๐พ/(๐‘ (๐‘ +2)(๐‘ +4)) .