Module 1


Introduction: Basic Components of a Control System, Open-Loop Control Systems and Closed-Loop Control Systems, Examples of control system

Feedback and its effects: Types of Feedback Control Systems, Linear versus Nonlinear Control Systems, Time-Invariant versus Time-Varying Systems.

Mathematical modelling of control systems: Electrical Systems and Mechanical systems.

Transfer Function from Block Diagrams and Signal Flow Graphs: impulse response and its relation with transfer function of linear systems. Block diagram representation and reduction methods, Signal flow graph and Mason’s gain formula.

Simulation assignment-1

Pole - Zero plotting in MATLAB

Simulation assignment-2

Block diagram reduction in MATLAB

Video Lectures

Introduction to Control systems | Types of control systems | CS Module 1 | Lect 1

topics covered

Introduction to control systems, open loop control systems, closed loop control systems

Review of Laplace transform | CS Module 1 | Lect 2

topics covered

Laplace transform review, Laplace transform of standard signals, Properties of Laplace transform, Inverse Laplace transform examples, Impulse response of LTI system, Transfer function

Types of control systems | LTI systems | CS Module 1 | Lect 3

topics covered

Types of control systems, Linear time invariant system (LTI)

Feedback & its effect | CS Module 1 | Lect 4

Topics covered

Intro to feedback, Types of feedback, Effect of feedback

Mathematical model in control system | CS Module 1 | Lect 5

Topics covered

Intro to mathematical model, Types of mathematical modelling, Differential equation of RLC circuit

Modeling of mechanical system | Translational mechanical system | CS Module 1 | Lect 6

Topics covered

Types of mechanical systems, Translational mechanical system, List of symbols used, basic elements of translational mechanical systems, Mass, Dash-pot, Spring

Mechanical system Problem 1| Translational mechanical system Problem 1| CS Module 1 | Lect 7

Topics covered

Translational mechanical system problem 1

Translational mechanical system Problem 2 | CS Module 1 | Lect 8

Topics covered

Translational mechanical system problem 2

Rotational mechanical system | CS Module 1 | Lect 9

Topics covered

Rotational mechanical system

Intro, List of symbols used, Basic elements

Solved problem 1 | Rotational mechanical system | CS Module 1 | Lect 10

Topics covered

Rotational mechanical system Problem 1

Solved problem 2 | Rotational mechanical system | CS Module 1 | Lect 11

Topics covered

Rotational mechanical system Problem 2

Introduction to Modeling of Electrical system | CS Module 1 | Lect 12

Topics covered

Introduction to Modeling of Electrical system

Solved Problem 1 | Modeling of Electrical system | CS Module 1 | Lect 13

Topics covered

Modeling of Electrical system- Solved Problems

Solved Problem 2 | Modeling of Electrical system | CS Module 1 | Lect 14

Topics covered

Modeling of Electrical system- Solved Problems

Introduction to Block diagram | Control system - Module 1 | Lect 15

Topics covered

Introduction to Block diagram, Block, Summing point, Branch point

Rules for block diagram reduction | Control system - Module 1 | Lect 16

Topics covered

Rules for block diagram reduction

Combing the block in cascade- Combing the block in parallel - Moving branchpoint ahead of block - Moving the branch before the block - Moving the summing point ahead of the block - Moving the summing point before the block - Inter changing summing point - Splitting & combining summing point - Elimination of feedback loop

Solved problem | Block diagram | Control system - Module 1 | Lect 17

Topics covered

Solved problem for block diagram reduction

Step by step solution with explanation

Solved problem 2 | Block diagram | Control system - Module 1 | Lect 18

Topics covered

Solved problem for block diagram reduction

Step by step solution with explanation

Introduction to signal flow graph | Control system - Module 1 | Lect 19

Topics covered

Introduction to signal flow graph - Terms used in signal flow graph - Properties of signal flow graph

Algebra of signal flow graph | Mason's Gain formula | Control system - Module 1 | Lect 20

Topics covered

Algebra of signal flow graph & Mason's Gain formula - Algebra of signal flow graph - Signal flow graph reduction | Mason's gain formula

Problem 1 - Signal flow graph | step by step explanation | Control system - Module 1 | Lect 21

Topics covered

Signal flow graph - Problem with solution - Step by step solution explained in Malayalam

Problem 2 - Signal flow graph | step by step explanation | Control system - Module 1 | Lect 22

Topics covered

Signal flow graph - Problem with solution - Step by step solution explained in Malayalam

Poles & Zeros Plotting in MATLAB | Simulation Assignment | Control system - Module 1 | Lect 23

Topics covered

Simulation in MATLAB - Poles & zero plotting in S- Plane using MATLAB

Block diagram reduction in MATLAB | Simulation Assignment | Control system - Module 1 | Lect 24

Topics covered

Simulation in MATLAB - calculating the transfer function of a block diagram in MATLAB