
How to Implementing Logic design in Python | Request video

1. What is Boolean in python

2. Gate implementation (AND, OR)

3. Half adder

4. Full adder

5. 4 Bit Binary Adder

6. program explanation

7. Structural level programming

#Program for AND gate

function for AND gate

def AND_fun (a, b):

if a == 1 and b == 1:

return 1


return 0

def AND_fun (a, b):

out = a and b

return out

# calling AND function



#Program for OR gate

def OR_fun (a, b):

out = a | b

return out

# calling OR function



# A half adder

def half_adder(a, b):

sum = a ^ b # ^ is the symbol for XOR operator

carry = a and b

return carry,sum

# A full adder

def full_adder(carry_in, a, b):

carry1,sum1 = half_adder(a,b) #calling half adder function

carry2,sum = half_adder(sum1,carry_in) #calling half adder function

carry = carry1 or carry2

print("sum= ",sum)

print("carry= " ,carry)

return carry,sum

# calling full adder function



# function for getting input and if length mismatch then fill with zero

def get_input():


bits_a = input('input your first binary ')

bits_b = input('input your second binary ')

l1 = len(bits_a)

l2 = len(bits_b)

if l1 > l2:

bits_b = bits_b.rjust(l1, fill)

elif l2 > l1:

bits_a = bits_a.rjust(l2, fill)

return bits_a,bits_b

# function for perform XOR operation

def xor(bit_a, bit_b):

A1 = bit_a and (not bit_b)

A2 = (not bit_a) and bit_b

return int(A1 or A2)

# function for Half adder

def half_adder(bit_a, bit_b):

return (xor(bit_a, bit_b), bit_a and bit_b)

# function for full adder

def full_adder(bit_a, bit_b, carry=0):

sum1, carry1 = half_adder(int(bit_a), int(bit_b))

sum2, carry2 = half_adder(sum1, carry)

# print(sum2, carry1 or carry2)

return sum2, carry1 or carry2

# function for binarry adder

def binary_string_adder(bits_a, bits_b):

carry = 0

result = ''

s0,c0 = full_adder(bits_a[3],bits_b[3],carry)

s1,c1 = full_adder(bits_a[2],bits_b[2],c0)

s2,c2 = full_adder(bits_a[1],bits_b[1],c1)

s3,cout = full_adder(bits_a[0],bits_b[0],c2)

result = str(cout)+str(s3)+str(s2)+str(s1)+str(s0)

return result

# # alternative function for binarry adder

# def binary_string_adder(bits_a, bits_b):

# carry = 0

# result = ''

# for i in range(len(bits_a)-1 , -1, -1):

# summ, carry = full_adder(int(bits_a[i]), int(bits_b[i]), carry)

# result += str(summ)

# result += str(carry)

# return result[::-1]

#mail function

def main():

bits_a, bits_b = get_input()

print('first bit is :',bits_a,'(',int(bits_a,2),')')

print('Second bit is :',bits_b,'(',int(bits_b,2),')')

result = binary_string_adder(bits_a, bits_b)

print('Answer is :',result,'(',int(result,2),')')

calling the mail function



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