Module 4
COMPUTATIONAL APPROACHES TO PROBLEM- SOLVING(Introductory diagrammatic/algorithmic explanations only. Analysis not required) :-
Brute-force Approach - Example: Padlock, Password guessing
Divide-and-conquer Approach - Example: The Merge Sort Algorithm - Advantages of Divide and Conquer Approach - Disadvantages of Divide and Conquer Approach
Dynamic Programming Approach - Example: Fibonacci series - Recursion vs Dynamic Programming
Greedy Algorithm Approach - Example: Given an array of positive integers each indicating the completion time for a task, find the maximum number of tasks that can be completed in the limited amount of time that you have. - Motivations for the Greedy Approach - Characteristics of the Greedy Algorithm - Greedy Algorithms vs Dynamic
Programming Randomized Approach -
Example 1: A company selling jeans gives a coupon for each pair of jeans. There are n different coupons. Collecting n different coupons would give you free jeans. How many jeans do you expect to buy before getting a free one?
Example 2: n people go to a party and drop off their hats to a hat-checkperson. When the party is over, a different hat-check person is on duty and returns the n hats randomly back to each person. What is the expected number of people who get back their hats?
-Motivations for the Randomized Approach
Video Lectures
Computational approaches to problem solving | Brute-force Approach | ATP - Module 4 | Lecture 20
Topics covered
00:00 - Intro
04:00 - Brute-force approach
07:30 - Example: Padlock combination problem
Computational approaches to problem solving | divide and conquer | ATP - Module 4 | Lecture 21
Topics covered
00:00 - Intro
03:48 - The merge sort algorithm
06:05 - Advantages & disadvantages
Computational approaches to problem solving | Dynamic programming | ATP - Module 4 | Lecture 22
Topics covered
00:00 - Intro to dynamic programming approach
04:27 - example - Fibonacci series
07:14 - Recursion vs Dynamic programming
Computational approaches to problem solving | Greedy algorithm | ATP - Module 4 | Lecture 23
Topics covered
00:00 - Intro to Greedy algorithm
02:52 - Characteristics of Greedy algorithm
03:54 - Motivation for greedy algorithm
05:32 - Greedy algorithm vs Dynamic programming
06:52 - example - task completion
Computational approaches to problem solving | Randomized algorithm | ATP - Module 4 | Lecture 24
Topics covered
00:00 - Intro to Randomized algorithm
02:38 - Motivation for randomized approach
05:08 - Example 1 - jeans with coupon
11:49 - Example 2 - Hat distribution