Module 1
PROBLEM-SOLVING STRATEGIES:- Problem-solving strategies defined, Importance of understanding multiple problem-solving strategies, Trial and Error, Heuristics, Means- Ends Analysis, and Backtracking (Working backward).
THE PROBLEM-SOLVING PROCESS:- Computer as a model of computation, Understanding the problem, Formulating a model, Developing an algorithm, Writing the program, Testing the program, and Evaluating the solution.
ESSENTIALS OF PYTHON PROGRAMMING:- Creating and using variables in Python, Numeric and String data types in Python, Using the math module, Using the Python Standard Library for handling basic I/O - print, input, Python operators and their precedence.
Video Lectures
Problem solving strategies | Algorithmic thinking with python | Module 1 | Lecture 1
Topics covered
00:00 - Introduction
03:08 - Problem-solving strategies defined
04:58 - Importance of understanding multiple problem-solving strategies
07:53 - Trial and Error
09:55 - Algorithm
11:50 - Heuristics
16:28 - Means- Ends Analysis
18:55 - and Backtracking (Working backward)
Problem solving process | Algorithmic thinking with python | Module 1 | Lecture 2 - Part 1
Topics covered
00:00 - Introduction
00:58 - Problem-solving process
02:01 - Computer as a model of computation
03:58 - Understanding the problem
05:31 - Formulating a model
08:25 - Developing an algorithm
Problem solving process | Algorithmic thinking with python | Module 1 | Lecture 2 - Part 2
Topics covered
00:00 - Pseudocode in problem solving
07:36 - Writing the program
13:05 -Test the program
15:10 - Evaluate the program
Essentials of python programming | Algorithmic thinking with python | Module 1 | Lecture 3 - Part 1
Topics covered
00:00 - Essentials of python programming
01:30 - creating and using variables in python
05:22 - Datatypes for variables
08:53 - Rules for naming and using variables
Essentials of python programming | Algorithmic thinking with python | Module 1 | Lecture 3 - Part 2
Topics covered
00:00 - Numeric datatypes
02:42 - String datatypes
09:07 - Python standard library for handling basic I/O