Digital Signal Processing

Module 3


Design of FIR Filters - Symmetric and Anti-symmetric FIR Filters, Design of linear phase FIR filters using Window methods, (rectangular, Hamming and Hanning) and frequency sampling method, Comparison of design methods for Linear Phase FIR Filters. Design of IIRDigital Filters from Analog Filters (Butterworth), IIR Filter Design by Impulse Invariance, and Bilinear Transformation, Frequency Transformations in the Analog and Digital Domain.

Video Lectures

Introduction to Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filters | DSP Module 3 | Lecture 29

Topic covered

Introduction to FIR filters

Impulse response of FIR filter

FIR filter design - Symmetrical impulse response | DSP Module 3 | Lecture 30

Topic covered

Design of linear phase FIR filters

Symmetrical impulse response

FIR filter design - Anti symmetrical impulse response | DSP Module 3 | Lecture 31

Topic covered

Design of linear phase FIR filters

Anti symmetrical impulse response

Frequency response of FIR filter | symmetrical impulse response ( N=odd) | DSP Module 3 | Lecture 32

Topic covered

Frequency response of linear phase FIR filter

Case 1 : Symmetrical impulse response and N - odd

Frequency response of FIR filter | symmetrical impulse response ( N=even) | DSP Module 3 |Lecture 33

Topic covered

Frequency response of linear phase FIR filter

Case 2 : Symmetrical impulse response and N - even

Frequency response of FIR filter | Antisymmetric impulse response | DSP Module 3 |Lecture 34

Topic covered

Frequency response of linear phase FIR filter

Case 3 : Antisymmetric impulse response and N - even

Case 4 : Antisymmetric impulse response and N - odd

Summary of Frequency response of linear phase FIR filter

Introduction to FIR filter design | window method | Design steps | DSP Module 3 |Lecture 35

Topic covered

Design of linear phase FIR filter ,why do we need a filter, Digital filter design procedures/ steps, Design of linear phase FIR filter using window methods, Rectangular window, Hanning window, Hamming window, FIR filter design steps to follow

Design of an ideal lowpass FIR filter - Problem | Step by step solution | DSP Module 3 |Lecture 36

Topic covered

Design of linear phase FIR filter - Problem

Q) Design an ideal lowpass filter with frequency response

find the value of h(n) for N=11 find H(z).

Design of FIR filter using rectangular window | Step by step solution | DSP Module 3 |Lecture 37

Topic covered

Design of linear FIR filter using rectangular window method

00:18 - FIR filter design steps

02:48 - Problem

Q) Design a linear phase FIR low pass filter using rectangular window by taking 7 samples of window sequence and with a cut off frequency πœ”_𝑐=0.2πœ‹ π‘Ÿπ‘Žπ‘‘/𝑠𝑒𝑐


Design a linear phase FIR filter low pass filter with frequency response 𝐻_𝑑 (𝑒^π‘—πœ” ) where πœ”_𝑐=0.2πœ‹ and N=7

Design of FIR high pass filter rectangular window | Step by step sol | DSP Module 3 | Lecture 38

Topic covered

Design of linear FIR high pass filter using rectangular window method

Problem 2 & solution

Q) Design a linear phase FIR high pass filter with frequency response

𝐻_𝑑 (𝑒^π‘—πœ” ) Find the value of h(n) for N=11 and find H(z). Use rectangular window

Design of FIR high pass filter Hanning window | Step by step sol | DSP Module 3 | Lecture 39

Topic covered

Design of linear FIR high pass filter using Hanning window method

Problem 3 & solution

Q) Design a linear phase FIR high pass filter with frequency response

𝐻_𝑑 (𝑒^π‘—πœ” ) Find the value of h(n) for N=11 and find H(z). Use Hanning window

Design of FIR high pass filter Hamming window Problem | Step by step sol | DSP Module 3 | Lecture 40

Topic covered

Design of linear FIR high pass filter using Hamming window method

Problem 4 & solution

Q) Design a linear phase FIR high pass filter with frequency response

𝐻_𝑑 (𝑒^π‘—πœ” ) Find the value of h(n) for N=11 and find H(z). Use Hamming window

Frequency sampling method - Design of FIR filter Problem with solution | DSP Module 3 | Lecture 41

Topic covered

Design of linear phase FIR filter using Frequency sampling technique

00:20 - Steps to follow in frequency sampling technique

02:21 - Problem - Step by step solutio

Frequency sampling method Prob 2 - FIR filter design | Step by step sol | DSP Module 3 | Lecture 42

Topic covered

Design of linear phase FIR filter using Frequency sampling technique

Q) Q) Using frequency sampling method, design a band pass filter with the following specifications , sampling frequency F=8000Hz ,cut off frequency fc1=1000Hz, fc2=3000Hz, Determine the filter coefficients for N=7

Introduction to IIR filter & its design | analog to digital filter design |DSP Module 3 | Lecture 43

Topic covered

Introduction to Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) Filter

00:20 - Intro

06:02 - Specifications of magnitude response of low pass filter

09:03 - Design steps of IIR filters

Analog low-pass Butterworth filter | design steps | DSP Module 3 | Lecture 44

Topic covered

Introduction to anlog low-pass Butterworth filter design, Analog Butterworth filter magnitude response, - Properties of Butterworth filter, - Transfer functions of Butterworth filters or Butterworth polynomials , - Derivation of the order of Butterworth filter, - Design steps of analog Butterworth filter

Design of analog Butterworth filter - Problem & Solution | DSP Module 3 | Lecture 45

Topic covered

Design Butterworth filter with given specifications

Design of analog Butterworth filter - Problem 2 & Solution | DSP Module 3 | Lecture 46

Topic covered

Design Butterworth filter with given specifications

Impulse invariant method | digital filter from analog filter steps | DSP Module 3 | Lecture 47

Topic covered

00:20 - Digital filter design from analog filter

00:59 - Introduction to Impulse invariant technique & three cases

14:23 - Steps to design IIR filter using impulse invariant technique

Impulse invariant method | Solved problem 1 | DSP Module 3 | Lecture 48

Topic covered

impulse invariant technique problem 1

Impulse invariant method | Solved problem 2 | DSP Module 3 | Lecture 49

Topic covered

impulse invariant technique problem 2

Impulse invariant method | Solved problem 3 | DSP Module 3 | Lecture 50

Topic covered

impulse invariant technique problem 3

Bilinear transformation technique | steps to follow and problems | DSP Module 3 | Lecture 51

Topic covered

Bilinear transformation technique

00:19 - Steps to follow in bilinear transformation

02:02 - Problem & solution

Bilinear transformation technique | low pass Butterworth filter | DSP Module 3 | Lecture 52

Topic covered

Bilinear transformation technique

Design of an analog Butterworth filter using bilinear transformation technique