
previous year Questions & solutions

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Previous year university problem solutions | Electromagnetics | MAY 2023 | KTU 2019 Scheme


Sixth Semester B.Tech Degree Supplementary Examination May 2023 (2019 Scheme)

PART - B Problem's Solutions

Previous year university questions & solutions -1  | Electromagnetics | KTU | Lecture 74

Step by step solution

Question) Eight identical charges Q, each are placed on the corners of a cube of side ‘a’. Find the resultant force on a charge.

Previous year university questions & solutions -2  | Electromagnetics | KTU | Lecture 75

Step by step solution

Question) Point charges 5 nC and -2 nC are located at (2,0, 4) and (-3,0, 5), respectively.

(i) Determine the force on a 1nC point charge located at (1, -3, 7).

(ii) Find the electric field E at (1, - 3 , 7)

Previous year university questions & solutions - 3 | Electromagnetics | KTU | Lecture 76

Step by step solution

Question) A charge of -0.3μC is located at A (25,-30,15) in cm and a second charge of 0.5 μC at B (-10, 8, 12). Find E at:

i) Origin

ii) P (15,20,50) in cm.

Previous year university questions & solutions - 4 | Electromagnetics | KTU | Lecture 77

Step by step solution

Question) A vector field is given by the following equation A=(ycos ax) a_x+(y+e^x ) a_z  . Find the curl of A at the origin.

Previous year university questions & solutions - 5 | Electromagnetics | KTU | Lecture 78

Step by step solution

Question) A Parallel plate capacitor with plate area of 5cm^2 and a plate separation of 3mm

has a voltage 50sin10^3 t Volt applied to its plates. Calculate the displacement

current assuming ε = 2ε_0.

Previous year university questions & solutions - 6 | Electromagnetics | KTU | Lecture 79

Step by step solution

Question) A lossless 50-Ω transmission line is terminated in a load with Z_L = (50+ j25) Ω.


(i) The reflection coefficient Γ. 

(ii) The standing-wave ratio. (SWR)

Previous year university questions & solutions - 7 | Electromagnetics | KTU | Lecture 80

Step by step solution

Question) Find the skin depth, δ at a frequency of 1.6 MHz in aluminium, where

σ=38.2MS/m and μ_r = 1 . Also find the propagation constant, γ and the wave velocity v .

Previous year university questions & solutions - 8 | Electromagnetics | KTU | Lecture 81

Step by step solution

Question) The electric field amplitude of a uniform plane wave propagating in the a_z direction is 250V/m. If E=E_x ax and ω = 1Mrad/s . Find:

i) Frequency 

ii) Wavelength

iii) period 

iv) The amplitude of H

Previous year university questions & solutions - 9 | Electromagnetics | KTU | Lecture 82

Step by step solution

 Q) A transmission line of Z0= 50Ω is terminated by RL= 100 Ω. Find VSWR, Z_min and Z_max

(KTU January 2022)

Previous year university questions & solutions - 10 | Electromagnetics | KTU | Lecture 83

Step by step solution of 

Question) A distortion less transmission line operating at 500MHz has Zo= 80Ω, α=0.04Np/m, β =1.5rad/m. Find the line parameters R,L,G and C

(KTU January 2022)

Previous year university questions & solutions - 11 | Electromagnetics | KTU | Lecture 84

Step by step solution of 

Question) Four 10-nC point charges are located in the z=0 plane at the corners of a square 8cm on a side. A fifth 10-nC positive charge is located at a point 8cm distant from each of the other charges. Calculate the magnitude of the total force on the fifth charge for 𝜀=𝜀_0.

KTU, December 2020

Previous year university questions & solutions - 12 | Electromagnetics | KTU | Lecture 85

Step by step solution of 

Question) In a rectangular waveguide for which a=1.5cm, b=0.8cm, σ=0,μ =μO and ε= εo

𝐻_𝑥=2 sin⁡〖𝜋𝑥/𝑎〗  cos⁡〖3𝜋𝑦/𝑏〗  sin⁡〖(𝜋∗10^11 𝑡−𝛽𝑧)〗 𝐴/𝑚

Determine i) mode of operation ii) Cut-off frequency iii) Phase constant iv) Propagation constant v) intrinsic wave impedance