
Module 3


Propagation of plane EM wave in perfect dielectric, lossy medium, good conductor, media attenuation, phase velocity, group velocity, skin depth. Reflection and re:fraction of plane electromagnetic waves at boundaries for normal & oblique incidence (parallel and perpendicular polarization), Snell's law of refraction, Brewster angle.

Video Lectures

Propagation of EM wave in a conducting medium (Lossy dielectric) | EM - Module 3 | Lecture 46

Topics covered

Derivation of propagation of EM wave in a conducting medium

Propagation of EM wave in Lossy dielectric

Expression of propagation constant

Expression of attenuation constant

Expression of phase shift constant

Scalar wave equation

Expression of intrinsic impedance (eta) for perfect dielectric

Propagation of EM wave in perfect dielectric (Lossless dielectric) | EM - Module 3 | Lecture 47

Topics covered

Derivation of propagation of EM wave in a perfect dielectric

Expression for : Attenuation constant, Phase shift constant, propagation constant, intrinsic impedance, wave length, velocity

Propagation of EM wave in good conductor | EM - Module 3 | Lecture 48

Topics covered

Derivation of propagation of EM wave in a good conductor

Expression for : Attenuation constant, Phase shift constant, propagation constant, intrinsic impedance, wave length, velocity

Derivation of attenuation & phase shift constant | EM - Module 3 | Lecture 49

Topics covered

Q) Derive the expression for attenuation constant and phase shift constant in a lossy dielectric

Calculation of alpha & beta of wave equation

Skin depth & Skin effect | EM - Module 3 | Lecture 50

Topics covered

Skin depth

Skin effect

Phase velocity & Group velocity | EM - Module 3 | Lecture 51

Topics covered

Phase velocity

Group velocity

Animation explanation

Reflection of plane wave at normal incidence | EM - Module 3 | Lecture 52

Topics covered

Derivation of reflection of plane wave at normal incidence

Derivation of reflection coefficient (Γ)

Derivation of transmission coefficient (τ)

Reflection of plane wave at oblique incidence | Snell's law | EM - Module 3 | Lecture 53

Topics covered

Derivation of reflection of plane wave at oblique incidence

Derivation of Snell's law

EMW oblique incidence - case 1: Parallel Polarization | Brewster angle | EM - Module 3 | Lecture 54

Topics covered

Reflection of plane wave at oblique incidence - case 1 : Parallel polarization

Brewster angle

Fresnel's equation for parallel polarization

Reflection coefficient - Parallel polarized EM wave

Transmission coefficient - Parallel polarized EM wave

EMW oblique incidence - case 2: Perpendicular Polarization | Brewster angle | EM - M-3 | Lecture 55

Topics covered

Reflection of plane wave at oblique incidence - case 2 : Perpendicular polarization

Brewster angle

Fresnel's equation for perpendicular polarization

Reflection coefficient - Perpendicular polarized EM wave

Transmission coefficient - Perpendicular polarized EM wave

Solved Problem 1 -Step by step solution - Module 3 | EM - Module - 3 | Lecture 56

Topics covered

Step by step solution

Q) An EM wave is designated by E=30 cos⁡〖(2π×〖10〗^6 t-βx) a_y 〗 is passing through a lossless dielectric medium of μr=3 and εr=27 having frequency f=200Mz. Determine β, λ ,ʋp and η

Solved Problem 2 -Step by step solution - Module 3 | EM - Module - 3 | Lecture 57

Topics covered

Step by step solution

Q2) A uniform plane wave propagating in a medium has E=2e^(-αz) sin⁡〖(〖10〗^8 t-βz) a_y 〗 V/m. If the medium is characterised by εr=1, μr=20 and σ=3 s/m Find α,β & H

Solved Problem 3 -Step by step solution - Module 3 | EM - Module - 3 | Lecture 58

Topics covered

Step by step solution

Q3) In a lossless dielectric for which η=60π, μr=1 and H=−0.1 cos⁡(ωt−z) a_x+0.5 sin⁡(ωt−z) a_y A/m. calculate εr, ω and E

Solved Problem 4 -Step by step solution - Module 3 | EM - Module - 3 | Lecture 59

Topics covered

Step by step solution

Q4) Determine the skin depth in good conductor (conductivity σ=3.2×107 mhos/m) at frequency 10Mhz where μr=1

Solved Problem 5 -Step by step solution - Module 3 | EM - Module - 3 | Lecture 60

Topics covered

Step by step solution

Q5) Given two dielectric media, the first medium is free space and the second medium has ε2 =4ε_0 and μ=μo. Find the reflection coefficient for oblique incidence at θ1= 30° for

i) perpendicular polarisation and ii) parallel polarisation