
Module 2


Derivation of capacitance and inductance of two wire transmission line and coaxial cable. Energy stored in Electric and Magnetic field. Displacement current density, continuity equation. Magnetic vector potential. Relation between scalar potential and vector potential. Maxwell's equation from fundamental laws. Boundary condition of electric field and magnetic field from Maxwell's equations. Solution of wave equation.

Video Lectures

Derivation of capacitance of two wire transmission line | EM - Module 2 | Lecture 30

Topics covered

Step by step derivation of capacitance of two wire transmission line

Derivation of inductance of two wire transmission line | EM - Module 2 | Lecture 31

Topics covered

Step by step derivation of inductance of two wire transmission line

Derivation of capacitance of coaxial cable | EM - Module 2 | Lecture 32

Topics covered

Step by step derivation of capacitance of coaxial cable

Derivation of inductance of coaxial cable | EM - Module 2 | Lecture 33

Topics covered

Step by step derivation of inductance of coaxial cable

Energy Stored in Electric field | EM - Module 2 | Lecture 34

Topics covered

Step by step derivation of Energy stored in electric field

Energy Stored in Magnetic field | EM - Module 2 | Lecture 35

Topics covered

Step by step derivation of Energy stored in magnetic field

Derivation of continuity equation | EM - Module 2 | Lecture 36

Topics covered

Step by step derivation of continuity equation

Derivation of Displacement current | EM - Module 2 | Lecture 37

Topics covered

Step by step derivation of displacement current & density

Biot-Savart’s Law & Magnetic field due to continuous current distribution |EM - Module 2 |Lecture 38

Topics covered

Biot-Savart's Law statement and equation

Magnetic field expression due to continuous current distribution

Line current, surface current & volume current distribution

Magnetic flux density (B) & Maxwell's fourth equation | EM - Module 2 | Lecture 39

Topics covered

Magnetic flux density

Maxwell's fourth equation

Magnetic Scalar & Vector potential | EM - Module 2 | Lecture 40

Topics covered

Relationship of magnetic scalar & vector potential

Derivation of Maxwell's equation from Faraday's Law | EM - Module 2 | Lecture 41

Topics covered

Step by step derivation of Maxwell's equation from Faraday's law

Maxwell's equations (static & final form) | EM - Module 2 | Lecture 42

Topics covered

Derivation of four Maxwell's equation

Maxwell's equation in static form

Maxwell's equation in final form

Boundary condition - Electric field (dielectric to dielectric) | EM - Module 2 | Lecture 43

Topics covered

Derivation of Electric filed - boundary condition

with dielectric to dielectric medium boundary

Boundary condition - Magnetic field | EM - Module 2 | Lecture 44

Topics covered

Derivation of Magnetic field - boundary condition between two medium

Boundary condition from Ampere circuit law

Boundary condition from Gauss's Law

Law of refraction of magnetic flux

Electromagnetic wave equation & Solution for wave equation | EM - Module 2 | Lecture 45

Topics covered

Derivation of Electromagnetic wave equation from Maxwell's equation

Solution of EM wave equation / Conditions to solve wave equation

Expression of general wave equation

Expression of wave equation in phasor form