module 1
Signals & system
1. Introduction to signals
2. Elementary signals
1. Continuous & Discrete time signals (* comparison * examples )
2. Signal operations (* Time delay / advancing * Time folding * Time scaling (time compression & exapansion) * rule for time time shifting and scaling * Signal operation explanation with an example )
Topics covered
1.Signal Operation or transformation examples
Introduction ,Problem No1, Problem No2 ,Problem No3
1.Classification of signals
Introduction ,Periodic and no periodic signals, Energy & power signals ,Deterministic & random signals
Topics covered
Introduction to periodic and no periodic signals ,CTS Fundamental time period properties, DTS periodic signal condition, fundamental frequency & fundamental angular frequency expression, how to calculate fundamental time period of a continuous time sigal, Problem 1 & Solution, Problem 2 & Solution, Problem 3 & Solution
Topics covered
Introduction to even & odd signals , problems & solutions
Topics covered
Introduction to Energy Signals, Problems & Solution
Topics covered
Power signal conditions & important points , Problems & Solution
Topics covered
Comparison between Energy & power signals, Neither energy nor power signals
Topics covered
Introduction to systems, Properties/calssification of Systems
Topics covered
Introduction to static & Dynamic systems, Definition of Static systems, Definition of Dynamicsystems, System with memory and memory less systems, Problems & Solution
Topics covered
Introduction to Causal & Noncausal systems, Anticausal systems, Problems & Solution
Topics covered
Introduction to Time invariant & Time variant System, Problems & Solution,
Signals & System Lect 14 | Linear & Non linear Systems | Solved examples
Topics covered
Introduction to Linear & Non linear systemsty, Law of additivity, Law of homogenei, Problems & Solution,
Signals & System Lect 15 | Stable & Unstable Systems | Solved examples
Topics covered
Introduction to Stable & unstable Systems, BIBO criteria, Problems & Solution
Signals & System Lect 16 | Continuous LTI Systems | Convolution integral | Solved examples
Topics covered
Introduction to LTI systems, Convolution integral, Problem & Solution
Signals & System Lect 17 | Discrete Time LTI Systems | Convolution sum | Solved example
Topics covered
Introduction to Discrete time LTI systems, discrete time LTI systems representation of signals ,Convolution sum expression,length of the convolution, convolution Problem & Solution
Signals & System Lect 18 | Stability and causality of LTI systems | Solved examples
Topics covered
Introduction to stability of LTI systems, Stability problems & solution , Introduction to causality of LTI systems, Causality problems & solution
Signals & System Lect 19 | Correlation between signal | Solved examples
Topics covered
Introduction to correlation between signals ,Auto correlation , Cross correlation,relationsip between correlation and covolution , Solved problem for discrete time cross correlation (matrix method)
Signals & System Lect 20 | orthogonality of signals | Solved examples
Topics covered
Orthogonal vector, Orthogonality in signal analysis,Orthogonal signal problem & solution (continuous signal) , Orthogonal signal problem & solution (discrete signal)
Previous year question paper sol | SEPT 2020 (part-1) | Signals,systems| Signals & Systems | Lect 62
Previous year question paper solution (SEPT 2020)
Question paper
Fourth semester B.Tech examinations (S), SEPT 2020
Focused topics - Signals, Systems, Properties of Signals & systems, fundamental time period
Q 1a) Determine if the following signals are energy signals, power signals or neither. Calculate the Energy and Total average power for all signals.
i) x(t)=(0.5)^t u(t) , ii) x(t)=sin(omega*t + theta) , ii) x[n] = u[n]
Q 1c) Check whether the given signals are periodic. If so, compute the period
i) x(t) = cos(pi/3 * t) + sin(pi/4 *t), ii) x[n] = u[n]
Previous year question paper sol | SEPT 2020 (part-2) | Signals,systems| Signals & Systems | Lect 63
Previous year question paper solution (SEPT 2020)
Question paper
Fourth semester B.Tech examinations (S), SEPT 2020
Focused topics - Signals, Systems, Properties of Signals & systems, fundamental time period
2 a) Determine whether the following systems are a)causal, b) stable, c) linear, d) time invariant e) memoryless
i) y[n] = ax[n] + b, ii) y(t) = v_m(t) + cos(omega_c * t), iii) y(t) = integral x(tow) d_tow
2 b) Compute and plot the autocorrelation of the signal x(t) = A cos(omega*t + theta)
3 a) Find the convolution between the signals x_1(t) = e^2t u(t) & x_2(t) = u(t+2)
3 b) Find the output of a discrete LTI system described by the impulse response h[n] = [ 2 -4 2 ], x[n] = [1 2 3 2 1 ]
Previous year question paper sol | DEC 2019| Module 1 | Signals,systems| Signals & Systems | Lect 64
Previous year question paper solution (SEPT 2020) Question paper
Fourth semester B.Tech examinations (S), DEC 2019
Focused topics - Signals, Systems, Properties of Signals & systems, fundamental time period
Questions 1a) Check whether the following signals are periodic or not. If periodic, find the fundamental period.
i) x(t) = sin(200*pi*t)+ cos (150*pi*t)
ii) x(t) = sin(0.15*pi*n) + cos(0.1*pi*n)
b) Check whether the system, y(t) = x^2(2t) is
(i) Linear (ii) Time-Invariant (iii) Causal (iv) Stable.
3 a) Given x(t) = u(t+1) + u(t-1) – u(t-2) – u(t-4). Plot
(i) x(t) (ii) x(t-3) (iii) x(2t) (iv) x(2t-3)
b) What is the condition for two signals x(t) and y(t) to be orthogonal? Give example of two signals which are orthogonal.
Ans :
c) Show that the output of an LTI system with impulse response h[n] to the input x[n] is the convolution sum of x[n] and h[n].
Ans :