PART B - Experiment No 1
1. Performance of Waveform Coding Using PCM
Generate a sinusoidal waveform with a DC offset so that it takes only positive amplitude value.
Sample and quantize the signal using an uniform quantizer with number of representation levels L. Vary L. Represent each value using decimal to binary encoder.
Compute the signal-to-noise ratio in dB.
Plot the SNR versus number of bits per symbol. Observe that the SNR increases linearly.
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Simulation of Pulse Code Modulation in MATLAB | Theory & Programming explained step by step
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PART B - Experiment No 2&3
Pulse Shaping and Matched Filtering
Generate a string of message bits.
Use root rasied cosine pulse p(t) as the shapig pulse, and generate the corresponding baseband signal with a fixed bit duration Tb. You may use roll-off factor as α = 0.4.
Simulate transmission of baseband signal via an AWGN channel
Apply matched filter with frequency response Pr(f ) = P ∗(f ) to the received signal.
Sample the signal at mTb and compare it against the message sequence.
Simulation of Pulse shaping & matched filtering using raised cosine in MATLAB | step by step
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Raised cosine program with effect of alpha :
Eye Diagram
Generate a string of message bits.
2. Use rasied cosine pulse p(t) as the shapig pulse, and generate the corresponding baseband signal with a fixed bit duration Tb. You may use roll-off factor as α = 0.4.
3. Use various roll off factors and plot the eye diagram in each case for the received signal. Make a comparison study among them.
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PART B - Experiment No 4
Error Performance of BPSK
1. Generate a string of message bits.
2. Encode using BPSK with energy per bit Eb and represent it using points in a signal-space.
3. Simulate transmission of the BPSK modulated signal via an AWGN channel with variance N0/2.
4. Detect using an ML decoder and plot the probability of error as a function of SNR per bit Eb/N0.
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PART B - Experiment No 5
Error Performance of QPSK
1. Generate a string of message bits.
2. Encode using QPSK with energy per symbol Es and represent it using points in a signal-space.
3. Simulate transmission of the QPSK modulated signal via an AWGN channel with variance N0/2 in both I-channel and Q-channel.
4. Detect using an ML decoder and plot the probability of error as a function of SNR per bit Eb/N0 where Es = 2Eb.
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